Articles & studies

Information is power. These articles and studies help better inform the work we do here at Woosley Performance. Questions? Ask Chuck.

Destroying the Myth About Testosterone Replacement AND cancer

by Abraham Morgentaler, MD, Facs

Thyroid Disorders and Diabetes Mellitus 

by Mirella Hage, Mira S. Zantout, and Sami T. Azar

Testosterone: a metabolic hormone in health and disease

by Daniel M Kelly and T. Hugh Jones

Growth Hormone Secretagogue Treatment in Hypogonadal Men Raises Serum Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 Levels

by John T. Sigalos, Alexander W. Pastuszak, Andrew Allison, Samuel J. Ohlander, Amin Herati, Mark C. Lindgren, & Larry I. Lipshultz.

Androgens and Diabetes in Men

by Elizabeth Selvin, PHD, MH. Manning Feinlein, MD, MPH, DRPH. Lei Zhang, SCM. Sabine Rohrmann, PHD, MPH. Nader Rifai, PHD. William G Nelson, MD, PHD. Adrian Dobs, MD, MHS. Shehzad Basaria, MD. Sherita Hill Golden, MD, MHS. Elizabeth Platz, SCD, MPH. 

DHEA therapy for women: effect on sexual function and wellbeing

by M.Panjari and Susan R.Davis